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Events In Geneva: Fun-Filled With An Opportunity

· events in geneva

You will surely have fun if you are scheduling your trip to Geneva, as this city is ready to burgeon every individual be it kids, adults or old aged with loads of fun and amusement. Come to join us in the Events In Geneva and explore the pleasure that was untouched.

Destination Red Cross – Red Cross is not an unknown name. It has been working for years and helped many people all around the world. This time if you are in Geneva then don’t miss the opportunity of exploring the journey of Red Cross all through time. here you will be enlightened with many information and also a tour of six countries as well, where this organization is working in order to help people. This exhibition is free of cost and the date is June 26th, 27th and many more dates are there.

Et le singe crea l’home – Timothy Mayor, a young sculptor from Switzerland is here to show you his diploma work. You must be thinking why all this, but wait let us tell you everything. He has designed the gorilla monument back from a bust and it is amazing to watch. All these Events In Geneva will not ask you to buy tickets as some of them are free as well. This show is the same, just visit the show on June 26th, 27th and so on.

Carte Blanche – if you love clubbing then Geneva will shower you with some best and exciting night-life. Here you can make the most of Geneva, have some drinks, party and dance whole night. There is no one to stop you. The coolest part about this is that the entry is free so mark June 25th on your calendar now.

Who Are You Thelma - this is a show based on the works of dark films or we can say inspired by it. A 50-minute long show will take you to another world and yes by the end of the show you will get the answer of who is Thelma. To know more you need to tickets as the show is on June 25th itself.

Events In Geneva are always awe-inspiring and one who visits this city wants to take part in every show be it a concert, theatre or dance. You can also do so, but for that, you need to have all the details. Hence visit us at


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